This evening I installed Microsoft's Skydrive on my Toshiba laptop / netbook. I read the reviews comparing Skydrive, Dropbox, Google Drive etc. and came to the conclusion that Skydrive is the way to go for me. I have a netbook running Windows 7, we have a desktop PC running Windows XP and I have a lot of Word documents and eXcel spreadsheets, so I / we are heavily Microsoft based. Microsoft Skydrive it is then.
After installation, I copied my Windows 7 documents folder to the Skydrive folder and the transfer to the 'Cloud' started automatically and completed. I took advantage of Microsoft's limited period offer to upgrade my default 7 GB storage to 25 GB.
I am now part of the 'Cloud computing' age.
I also downloaded Bolero's Browser for Skydrive to my Android phone and browsed a couple of my 'Cloud' files.